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Battle Games and Art Class at Callan School

Netri's Mark. It's like his signature.

Yesterday during Battle Games we played this awesome game called Stones Throw. We had quite the game! I like it a lot! It be because I'm good at the Stone Shot. We use pumice stones because they be light and explode on impact. That be so very satisfying.

Here be the game: Four players sittin on their Rockies shoulder line each side of the field. We have to wear helmets and chain mail fer safety. A total of eight players, two teams, four on each side. The object of the game is to get the flag without gettin hit by a stone. We shoot our Stone Shots and the Rockies run. If yer hit, yer out. I be very good at a Stone Shot, but some students didn't even know what one was until they got here. We be shootin and dodgin and runnin fer the flag. Ya have to be keen to watch everything. This game helps us sharpen our bond with our Rockies as we can 'sense' what the other is about to do. We react together! Graban and I so love to play this game! The rest of the students watch from the sidelines and cheer. It's so fun!

So we were runnin and almost made it to the flag too! But I got hit squarely between the shoulder blades with a pumice stone. Aaaak! I was so close! Then our teammate, Declan and his Rocky Fulgurite sped past us and got the flag. That's ok. My team won and Graban and I got second place. So fun!

Early this mornin, while Graban and I were out on our mornin walk, we met this curious fellow named Feale. He lives in a mound  down in the glen. He has a dwelling he dug out of the ground under the earth. His trade be edible mushrooms. He harvests them in the early morn. Then he sells them to the locals. Feale be a very jolly fellow who loves to tell jokes and riddles. I've never seen a fellow that looks quite like him a'for. He had Graban and I rollin in the grass we was laughin so hard! 

We was walkin up the steep slope to the school when he just popped from behind a tree! He frightened both Graban and me so! Graban didn't even 'feel' him nearby! Sneeky fellow! We liked him right away when he started laughin! His singsong laugh was enticing! He smiled so kindly I couldn't help it! I like the guy! He says he picks mushrooms about Tu Peg every mornin if we ever would like to visit him again. Graban and I agreed we will! 

Here be a couple jokes he told us;

  •  Paddy and Mick be walkin down the glen and Paddy has a bag of doughnuts in his hand. Paddy says to Mick, "If you can guess how many doughnuts be in me bag, you can have them both."

  • Two men be workin in the village. One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind him and fill the hole in. After a while, one amazed onlooker said, "Hey! Why do ya dig a hole, only to have yer partner fill it in again?" 

  • To which the hole digger wiped his brow and sighed, "Well, I suppose it looks a fright odd because we're supposed to be a three man team. But today the lad who plants the trees be sick!"

That fellow had us rolling! 

 I just can't get over how foolish he be! Well, you know what they say, 'A light heart lives longest!'

Feale. Netri's new friend.. He likes to tell jokes.

Now I be at the Callan school fer only six moon cycles. I have not really made any friends yet. I didn't expect to. Graban says to give it time. He 'knows' my inner thoughts and desires through the bond. I tried to say I didn't really need friends, but he and you, journal know the truth. I can't hide even when I want to hide from meself.  

I really like it here! The halls be so beautifully crafted and the workmanship that chiseled out the mountain just astounds me! The entrance is most impressive! It be all the way at the top of the mountain and the entrance is actually a skull from an ancient giant. This one be bigger than most! I just can't believe how massive it be! 

Callan School entrance. It's a skull.

 Every time I see it I am in wondrous awe! I just can't even believe I be here! Oh! I wanted to come to this school fer so long!

I surely do miss me Uncail Anwan, Antin Tabika, Me Ma and Da and cousin and brother too! I didn't know how much I would miss them until now! 

Art class;

I entered the class excitedly. As I looked around I can see many torches around. The class be carved out stone inside the mountain. The yellow glow of each lamp reveals the life veins of the mountain. I can see the chisel lines in the rock walls left behind by the Craft Carvers.  They carved the ceiling out with intricately delicate designs. There are several easels around the room. I'm guessin for the students. Next to them are many deep shelves carved right into the walls. In each shelf be many rolls of brightly colored tapestry fabric and paper. I can see many buckets on slate tables in front of the shelves with countless paint brushes and graphite and charcoal sticks stickin out of them. On the tables laying askew be many tools I don't recognize. I think some are for measuring.

I decide to sit in the second row. I sit on the hard wood chair in anticipation. I can't wait to see a Limner! How will it communicate with us? Limners have no mouth to speak! Their only form of communication be painting and drawing. The rest of the classs rambles in. Are they as excited as I? I don't recognize anyone. It's hard for me to get to know people and I haven't been here long. I only just met Scoria and Graywacke. 

I hate to be away from Graban. But he has to stay in the yard with the other Rockies. They won't fit in here. Besides, what dangers will be in here?

Students in Art class at Callan School.

All of the students be in now. The side conversations began to quiet to a dull roar. A door I didn't notice before opens into the room. It blended right in with the wall. No wonder I didn't see it. The room quieted to silence suddenly. Mayhap the other students heard there would be a Limner teachin art class too! The room then quieted to silence. Everyone looked at the dark figure silhouetted by the window in the other room. I can make out a flowing robe on a tall body and two arms. Eh, this be but a mere human. Limners have four arms. Disappointment rose in my stomach and up to my sinkin heart. This man walked into the room closing the door behind him.  All the others seem as dumb as me. Quiet and waiting. 

Adjusting to the light again, I can see that this tallish man be slim and lanky. His brown hair be brushing the tops of his shoulders. As my eyes adjust more, I can see blondish highlights in his hair. Lookin lower I see he's got large wide set eyes. Brown I think, but can't be sure in the lighting. He definitely has a mouth under his long nose as he is not a Limner, but human. He begins to talk out of this mouth of his lined with thin dark lips against his sun-darkened skin.

"I just arrived here yesterday from a long walk in the desert where I have been studying with a Limner who has no name as they don't have names. I called him teacher. I dreamed of studying with the Limners my whole life. Finally, it happened! When the student is ready, the teacher comes. I only completed my studies with him a week ago when I received the invitation to instruct here. I have been walking ever since. So you'll forgive me if I am not so exuberant today. I have not recovered yet. My name is Deaglan Phillite, of the Phillite Clan. You can call me Degla."

He smiled and looked around at each students face. When he got to me, he met my eyes and his smile dropped to an open mouth. His eyes widened; lingering for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and walked over to a table in the front of the room and picked up a tablet. He began reading off names. When he said a name, each person in turn said 'here.' He got to me, I said 'here' and he looked up at me. Then he quickly returned to his task. 

"Fifteen students total," Degla said. He fumbled with a tablet he had on the table and shakily began tellin about what to expect, the schedule etc. Typical first day stuff. He praddled on as students fidget in their seats. 

Well at least Deagla studied with a Limner. Mayhap he'll tell us about him, her, it. I don't know, do they have a sex? Degla said, 'him'. I'll have to ask. Next period I have Axe making, then History, then Weapons Practice. Then we eat. I wonder what they be cookin in the pit today. After supper it's Battle Games until OO Peg. That be when the sun goes down. Tomorrow I have Vocus Spiritum, whatever that is, then Guardian Knowledge. Then I'll go study in the Library after checking in with Graban. 

I wonder what Graban be doin outside with the other Rockies.I wish I could sleep outside with Graban. I miss him at night so much. The first year students have to sleep inside. Then we can choose to go outside in one of the many stone huts. That way we can be near our Rockies like we are supposed to be. They change to their sleeping pile just outside our hut. I like it that way so much!

I sleep in a carved out room with two other boys. They be older than me. One by seven seasons, the other by eight. I be only twelve seasons old. The youngest at the school, I think.  The younger of the two be named Bael, the elder be Garbh. We don't know each other and it be a bit uncomfortable to sleep in the same room with strangers. I guess I'll get used to it. Bael be a short fellow, yet he stands two heads taller than I. He has sandy colored hair. His voice be brittle. Garbh be a taller fellow wit raven hair like me own Uncail Anwan's. He likes to laugh like him too! I really like that. I be glad I'm roomies with someone like that. He seems light hearted. I will tell more of them later. I be ready to turn in for the night. 

Goodnight Journal.

Thanks for reading. Yes, Netri is at school! He has lots to do and learn. I want to take you on that journey with him. He is learning so much about his new world. I hope you enjoy going with him! I'm not sure what happened with the drawings this time.  I think there is a filter on the camera that needs adjusting. It's washing out all my detail work. Oh well. I am having computer trouble right now. I can't get online with my new computer. I'm using my old one and it's vista. It's iffy. I'm relieved I was able to post this week so the pictures are the least of my worries. I hope all of you have a wonderful, blessed week. Thanks again for reading. It's so great to finally share my character, Netri and his world with all of you.

I also wanted to note that doing these entries in blog form is kind of like a journal. It's really not how the book is though. The book is so much cooler in that it's all hand done. 

We'll see where the blog takes us! 

So ya know that symbol all the way at the top of the page? This one; 

Netri's Mark. It's like his signature.

That's Netri's mark. The people of the AnnClann have a mark instead of a signature. Each person has their own. That's why you see it at the beginning of everything Netri writes. Here in my blog, it will always be linked up to for you. So you don't have to type it in if you want to go there and buy the book. Don't forget, just type in Rock Monsters to find it. Eventually, I will put the buy now button on here, I guess. I just think that doesn't fit with the mood on this website. It would seem out of place to me. 

Have a good day,


Website and Book are fully illustrated by Syd Murray.

Copyrite 2017 all rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from Syd Murray.

This means you can't copy any of my drawings or content guys. But you can share on Facebook or Twitter.

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