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Adventure Fantasy Journal

Meet Netri. Pronounced Nee Tree

An artistic drawing of the main character Netri in The Legend of the Rock Monster Clan.

Netri is the main character in my book, 'The Legend of the Rock Monster Clan.' Actually, it's written by him. It's his journal.

Netri's full name is Netri Annora of the Shist Clan. He's 11 yrs old. But in his world he would say 11 seasons.

Netri is an artist. The picture is a self portrait he drew of himself. He had to look in a pool at Geodes Lake to see himself.

Netri lives in a time Long, long ago. There was no technology, no cities, no computers. Just villages in the wilderness. His world is dangerous and rough. He uses handmade ink sticks to write with. His Uncail, as Netri calls him, made the writing tool using an ancient technique only handed down to the Faith Givers. The ink is extracted from squids in the sea. The stick is made of wood. To erase he uses white paint crushed from minerals ground into a fine powder. Then a binder medium is added: refined linseed oil (oil paint), walnut oil (oil paint), gum arabic (water colour), milk, beeswax (encaustic), egg yolk (tempera), egg white. To paint in color he adds berries or any other natural element that has a deep color. He also uses graphite sticks in some of his drawings.

In Netri's world they talk a little different. Uncail means Uncle. Mamo means Grandma. Many times you will hear Netri say, "I be..." Instead of "I am." It's just the way the people of the AnnClann talk. Like if you asked him how he's doing he would say something like,

"I be very good, to be sure. How be you?"

It's kind of funny, but you'll get used to it. Pretty soon you won't even notice he's talking different once you get into reading his journal.

When I started fleshing out this character, my daughter, Jami helped me decide his name. I mostly use Irish or Latin words in my book, so when you come across a strange word they're using you'll know, it's either Irish or Latin.

Netri's name means; one who leads, leader or guide. Annora means honor. Below is the first drawing I did of Netri in my own journal. This is not in the book. Lucky you, reading my blog. You get to see cool stuff like this.

An early drawing of Netri.

Also when your reading my book often times, you'll come across names that are taken from rock names, like Rhyolite is the name of his cousin. It's actually a rock name in real life. Shist is the name of one of the Rock Monsters. That also is an actual name of a rock in real life.

You might be wondering about now what a Rock Monster is. I will go into detail about that at a later time. Right now we're talking about my main character, Netri.

Like I said, he's an artist. He doodles little pictures in his journal. He has complete masterpieces drawn and there's some unfinished stuff in there. It's a whole mix. Can you imagine what an artists journal might look like? There is a whole mix of work in there. Finished, unfinished and in between. There are also little jotted down illustrations that help further the story. He would just jot a quick illustration in there to show what he's talking about.

Website and Book are fully illustrated by Syd Murray.

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This means you can't copy any of my drawings or content guys. But you can share on Facebook or Twitter.

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