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There Be Giants!!!

Netri's Mark. It's like his signature.

That Giant's body be so incredibly massive! His arms looked powerful. His face craggy, Huge nose, eyes empty. When he reached up to scratch his hairless cranium skin flakes fell from crusty, yellow sores on his head like snowflakes. Saliva trickled from his flappy lips past rotten teeth to the ground like a rainfall. He stood up from the felsite boulder he was sittin on. Walkin away from me I could see his jiggly giant rump bouncin up and down with every step. Ewe!

I peeked ever so carefully from my hiding place behind Graban. He be my trusty Rock Monster guardian. Garban quickly shifted to a round stone when he 'felt' the giant comin. Rockies can feel with their senses when danger be close. We heard the footsteps of the giant in the trees then he burst out from the leaves disturbing everything in his midst. Even the Earth seems to quiver with disgust under his massive feet. I hid behind Garban in his stone shape. Garban be a shape-shifter. He can take any form he chooses. He can manipulate his granite and gneiss body to form most any shape. He's my trusty friend, bonded to me fer life! He guards me and helps me and keeps me safe from many dangers in this world. Including the giant we be watchin now.

If a giant sees a human they will immediately try to kill them. They're driven to it by hate and influence of Lurkers. I could spy the giant be goin about his business of searchin for something. I'm not sure what. On his hide belt are four hangin human feet. Was he savin them for soup?... or trophies?

The bumbling buffoon bent over. Ewe! He flipped branches and stones searchin... searchin for what? His clothes be crudely sewn together pieces of hide from many beasts. Each patch of his clothing be different colors and textures. Some furry, some not. I wonder if there be human skin in there! I don't really know what they do with humans after they kill them. This one be collecting feet!

I do not fear this predator. I have me bonded friend Graban! (His name is Garban, but I call him Graban because he has bands of gray gneiss streaked through his granite body). Graban would kill this hooligan quick as a wink if he spots me. He would be in his human form so fast! Despite my small frame, I have a defense. I have Voxendo! Voxendo be a power from within. It's a gift from Cara Mor. Every human has Voxendo but not all discover it. Some brush it off as a myth. Mine be a strong kind because I am a True Heart. The head of the Faith-Giver Order, Darias said so!

No, I do not fear.

Oh! The Giant found what he be lookin for. It be a blade. He pulled it up from under a dirty log. Dirt be spillin off the bronze dagger. He must have hid it earlier and came back to get it. The blade be quite massive! It's small in the giant's hand but I dare say, I would not be able to lift it! It be but a dagger to him, to me it would be a sword. Bronze is a commonly used by my AnnClann. It's an alloy, as it is Copper & Tin combined. Tin is a soft, pliable, silvery-white metal. These are metals that we pound out of rocks found in the Earth. The most tin is found in Bearnan Eile. (Devil's Bit). It be where my Annclann finds it. My village be many days walk by Rocky foot to the North of here.

I be goin to school at Callan Compound at the present. This school be 'inside' a mountain! A giant's skull marks the entrance at the very top.

Callan School. The skull at the top of the mountain.

Graban and me went out for a walk when we came across this buffoon. He's still starin at his bronze dagger with dirt clinging to it. I wonder what be goin through his brain? Is he plotting something? I wish he would hurry up and go away. I need to stretch me legs. I woke up this mornin wit a cramp in me legs so we headed out for a walk before our mornin meal.

I love morning! The promise of another day comin wit new possibilities to explore and wonder about. Today be an exceptionally beautiful spring mornin. Peaceful and full of music. I hear the tinkling bells of a Melifluous stream nearby. I can hear birds rustlin in the trees and chattering to each other. A woodpecker is busy at his early pecking. Callan Compound be a very awesome school. We get our mornings free to explore and learn through experience. Then we go to class at 'nun.' That be midday. The sun is the time keeper. A series of sunpeg changes reflect the suns position in the sky. We move a peg along the notches as the sun moves in the sky. Below is a sketch of how we tell time. This is my drawing of a sculpture outside the Callan Compound.

Sunpeg sculpture at the school. It's how they tell time.

Formal studies be for a few sunpeg changes. Two to three. About Po Peg we get to go out and play battle games! This be so fun! We get to practice our bow and arrows and hatchet throwin and stone shot wit games. I got a merit award last week fer my accuracy wit the stoneshot. I be very practiced wit mine because I have had one since I be ten seasons old. My Da made me one for my birthday. I do so love these games. It brings us kids together. The Magister of students says, 'There is no knowledge without unity.'

Ok, the giant be movin on now. He put the dagger in his belt, picked up his club and moved on. His arms be so long his knuckles drag on the ground. On the other side he's dragging the club. He lumbered off.

Drawing of a giant on Callan Compound. He has a dagger.

Good! I be ready to move. When the giant be out of sight Garban changed back to his human-form and we sprint back to school. I be ready for breakfast. Maybe they have ham and eggs this mornin. I be so hungry!

Thanks for reading! To read more about me and my book, The Legend of the Rock Monster Clan click on any picture to go to my main blog. If you are interested in buying the book, click on the link above or go to Type in Rock Monsters when you get there. My book is for sale now! Thanks for reading! All sketches are straight from my personal journal. That's where I flesh out ideas. This blog post was made up while I was writing it. I want you to get to know my character Netri Annora in my book. I want you to get to know how he writes. To learn more about him go to my main blog page. Just click on any picture above! Happy Reading!

Syd Murray ;)

Website and Book are fully illustrated by Syd Murray.

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This means you can't copy any of my drawings or content guys. But you can share on Facebook or Twitter.

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