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Rock Monsters

I wanted to tell you a bit more about Rock Monsters. They come in all shapes and sizes. They come in all types; gneiss, granite, sandstone, quartzite, felsite, etc you get the idea. Some are made of a couple different kinds of rocks and minerals. Take Garban for instance. He's Netri's Rocky; (Netri is the main character of the book). Garban is made of granite and felsite. Granite is one of the toughest kind. Below is a picture straight from my journal. When I was fleshing out Garban he looked a little different. I think he's cute, but

An early drawing of Garban the Rock Monster.

I'm glad I changed him into the Garban he is today. The Garban in the book is so handsome and so much more real and relateable to me. Here's a picture one above the other, of how Garban changed.

An early drawing of Garban the Rock Monster.

A drawing of Garban the Rock Monster now.

Don't you agree? He's so much better now. I just love him. A rare cross-breed, not many Rockies come from two clans. The Granite clan is the strongest yet most common. Tuff meaning Volcanic or comes from a Volcano. Garban means rough. Netri is his second human. Garban has about 500 years of experience. All these things are good for inexperienced Netri. Garban has about 4-500 years left. Depending on how long Netri lives or stays with his choice to follow Cara Mor, either way, Garban is destined to die of a broken heart. Hopefully Netri will stay on the straight and narrow and live a long happy protected life with Garban. Life's not fair and Netri will face many temptations. Let's hope for Garban's and Netri's sake, he makes good choices.

Good natured, loyal Garban is open to Netri and ready and willing to serve and die for his new friend. Garban will do everything in his power to protect Netri. He's smart and has sharp eyes. He is obedient to his charge. Netri is the boss, but Garban will try to help him.

Garban is 15 ft tall and weighs a ton. He is so loving yet strong.

There are other Rock Monsters in the book. Below is Deaglan. He's made of Gabbro.

A drawing of Deaglan the Rock Monster.

Deaglan is Netri's uncle Anwan's Rocky. He used to be bonded to a haggle so he traveled all over the place. A haggle is a merchant. They travel by foot or by boat to places to trade their wares. Deaglan is very worldly as a result. His knowledge helps the company navigate their journey in the book. I think he's a good looking fellow. I would describe Deaglan as witty and kind. He loves a good joke.

I'll give you another; Cian below is made of Quartzite or Sandstone. When he's in his sleeping pile he's just a pile of sand. LOL! Don't let that fool you. When he's in his human-like form he's very tough.

A drawing of Cian the Rock Monster.

Cian is beloved of all the Rockies. He's the oldest. He's been through two humans and is on his third. This is unusual. The only Rocky to ever do that. When he didn't die of a broken heart after his second human died, like all the Rock Monsters do, the council decided he's very special and Cara Mor must be keeping him around for a reason. He's seen two wars. He was bonded to Darias (the head of the Faith Giver order) when he was approx, 1,334 yrs old. His second human, Methuselah, died at 969 yrs old. His first human was Enoch. We all know what happened to Enoch. His life on this earth was cut short at 365yrs when he was taken home to Cara Mor. It's said that's why Cian was granted a third human. So then he was told by Cara Mor to go to another part of the world where Netri's AnnClann lives. He was going to bond with Darias, (Methuselah's grandson). Oh, and this is the super-cool part. He traveled in the form of sand on the wind to his new destination.

Cian belongs to the Quarzite Clan. Every night while his human sleeps he becomes a pile of sand. He is aware of everything going on when he's in this form. It just allows him to rest. He's always on guard. A Rocky's job is to watch over their human, protect them from any harm in a dangerous world and guide them to finding their inner Voxendo. (I'll tell you about Voxendo later. It's awesome). If danger comes near in the night Cian will be in his human form in a second ready to protect and do battle if necessary.

Why are Rockies destined to die of a broken heart either way? Rockies live for one purpose; to bond with a human and help them. All of their being is bent on this one purpose. If they cannot do this, their heart will break in two. That's what Cara Mor created them for.

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Website and Book are fully illustrated by Syd Murray.

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